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Az Alapítvány a Holokauszt Fe
  2008-11-02 16:37:31, vasárnap

Az Alapítvány a Holokauszt Felülvizsgálatáért nyilatkozata
2008-11-02. 08:30

/English version below/

Mohammad Ali Ramin, az Alapítvány a Holokauszt Felülvizsgálatáért elnevezésű szervezet iráni titkára nyilatkozatot tett közzé október 29-én, éppen azon a napon, amikor a brit bíróság döntött Frederick Toben revizionista ausztrál történész Németország részére történő kiadatása ügyében. A nyilatkozatban többek között a következő megállapítások olvashatók:

"Nem gondolják, hogy ha a második világháború alatt elkövetett tömeggyilkosságokkal és 6 millió zsidó megölésével vádolják a németeket, akkor legalább értékelhető bizonyítékokkal kellene előállniuk? Lehetséges, hogy Guantanamonál is rosszabb börtönöket állítanak fel szerte Európában, ahol majd azokat tartják fogva, akik Izrael és az USA világuralmának ellenségei? Lehetséges, hogy továbbra is tömegesen gyilkolják le azokat, akik az amerikai, izraeli és brit világuralom ellen küzdenek? A Nyugat rosszul teszi, ha feláldozza nemes eszméit és értékeit a cionisták értelmetlen és céltalan követeléseinek oltárán."

A nyilatkozat teljes szövegét az IRNA iráni hírügynökség közölte. A nyugati sajtó természetesen nem adott hírt az állásfoglalásról. Sőt arról sem szabad tudnunk, hogy létezik egy Alapítvány a Holokauszt Felülvizsgálatáért elnevezésű szervezet. Íme a nyilatkozat teljes szövege két részletben, angol nyelven.

Read on as Iran's Mohammad Ali Ramin, Secretary of the World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust comments.

West's treatment with critics of Holocaust is shameful

Tehran, Oct 29, IRNA
Persecution, conviction and imprisonment of scientists and independent intellectuals are prevalent in the West, Secretary of World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust Mohammad Ali Ramin said on Wednesday.

Ramin said arrest of Fredrick Gerald Toeben in early October 2008 in London airport for criticizing the nature and effects of Holocaust, has worried the world independent scholars and intellectuals.

Dr. Toeben is an independent researcher and thinker in the field of 'Contemporary History of Europe' and also is the member of 'International Fact-Finding Committee of Holocaust' and is the founder of 'World Foundation for Reviewing Holocaust' who believes just like others that Holocaust dossier should be re-examined and re-surveyed.

Who should be condemned? Don't you think that those who claim there has been mass killing and slaughter of six million Jews by Germans during the Second World War in Europe, should have at least appropriate documents to prove it? Or perhaps the researchers and those who make interrogation and inquiries should be condemned or punished? Indeed what was the crime of the scholars and scientists such as:" Ernst Zuendel", " David Irving", prof. Rober Fourisson", " prof. Roger Garaudy", " George Theil", " Wolfgang Froehlish", " Gerald Hornish", " Siegfried Verbeke", Horst Mahler", " Vincent Reymouard", " Juergen Graf", " Fredrick Toeben", " Sylvia Stolz", " Pedro Varela", " Germar Rudolf", and ... or other scholars, scientists, lawyers, people's representatives and western citizens? What the European politicians are doing exactly by expanding unfounded allegations and falsified and unsubstantiated ideas or preventing the expansion of any liberal ideas of researchers for finding the truths? Except that they are trying to encourage people to accept what they have quoted in the press and mass media regarding Holocaust.

Is it possible that by suppression of independent researchers and intellectuals, they try to pursue western societies to accept the arbitrary and despotic claims concerning Holocaust?
Does this mean that by the dismissal of critic scientists and scholars from scientific centers or by discharge of liberal intellectuals from European judicial, executive and legislative powers who protest against Holocaust, all the claims concerning Holocaust could be true? Or will create further stability for these countries?

Don't you think that psychological war against those who seek he truths regarding Holocaust, or persecution, torture and trial of intellectuals, or arrest and imprisonment of political activists, and negation of those who protest against foreign domination over Europeans' destiny will lead to further problems for Zionism? What is going on today in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and Switzerland against truth-seeking individuals and people who fight "Zionist Domination."? Nothing rather than creating fear. But this trend would further divert the "detest against Israel Zionism dominating over Europe and America " towards" detest against Jewish and Judaism".

West's treatment with critics of Holocaust is shameful (Part II)

Tehran, Oct 29, IRNA
According to the experiences of the last three thousand years, these kinds of unpleasant acts will lead to further reactions of people against arrogant domineers and tyrannizes.

Today " Fredrick Toeben" who is Australian, would be arrested in London Airport and imprisoned for expressing his views about Holocaust. So what would be the next reaction of liberal Europeans who are against domination of America( U.S) and Israel?

Is it possible to construct prisons worse than Guantanamo in all over Europe for capturing those who are against domination of Israel and US?

Is it possible to continue the political serial-killings and massacre against opponents of American, Israeli and British domination? Particularly after brutal assassination of " Uwe Barschel" (prime minister of the province of Schleswig Holestain), Petra Kely and General Gerd Bastain( founder of Green Party of Germany), Edwardo Aniely( Muslim martyr intellectual and son of Italian capitalist), David Kely (senior expert in the Ministry of War in UK) and recently Juerg Heider( the national politician elected by the people of Austria).

The silence of press vis-a-vis the imprisonment of significant European scholars and intellectuals who are indeed trying to find the facts such as; Toeben, Stols, Hornsik, Rudolf, Forehlich, Zuendel and conviction of Garaudy, Faurisson, Verbeke and Reynouard and others, have made all the knowledgeable people worried regarding the continuation of these cruel acts.

The question is, if the European intellectuals are arrested and condemned only for expressing their ideas and thoughts, then what would be the conduct of European citizens in the future?
Don't you think that as a result of these suppression, severe punishment, despotism, oppression and assassination, there will be uprising and broad-based violations?

"The World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust" while expressing its concern vis-a-vis all these events, recommends all the states, parliaments and judicial powers of European countries to make their best efforts in order to preserve" the main European values after medieval ages" which are; " freedom of expression" and " freedom of thoughts" and "respect for human rights" and " democracy." They should not sacrifice their valuable ideas only for ill-intended and unreasonable demands of the Zionists.

The World Foundation requests all the politicians, judges, writers, intellectuals and European press to support the independent researchers and critics who follow the dossier of Holocaust, vis-a-vis the accusations of the Zionists and their followers and to help the "International Fact Finding Committee" to find the truth.

Mohammad Ali Ramin, Secretary of World Foundation on Reviewing Holocaust.

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Címkék: állásfoglalásról, bizonyítékokkal, unsubstantiated, representatives, világuralmának, megállapítások, követeléseinek, nyilatkozatban, psychological, knowledgeable, intellectuals, assassination, természetesen, interrogation, international, guantanamonál, nyilatkozatot, unreasonable, particularly, imprisonment, revizionista, intellectual, continuation, nyilatkozata, hírügynökség, contemporary, researchers, politicians, parliaments, independent, suppression, appropriate, allegations, értékelhető, criticizing, nyilatkozat, brit bíróság, nyilatkozatban többek, következő megállapítások, második világháború, cionisták értelmetlen, nyilatkozat teljes, nyugati sajtó, Holokauszt Fe, Holokauszt Felülvizsgálatáért, Mohammad Ali Ramin, Frederick Toben, World Foundation, Reviewing Holocaust, Reviewing Holocaust Mohammad Ali Ramin, Fredrick Gerald Toeben, Contemporary History, International Fact-Finding Committee, Second World War, Ernst Zuendel, David Irving, Rober Fourisson, Roger Garaudy, George Theil, Wolfgang Froehlish, Gerald Hornish, Siegfried Verbeke, Horst Mahler, Vincent Reymouard, Juergen Graf, Fredrick Toeben, Sylvia Stolz, Pedro Varela, Germar Rudolf, Zionist Domination, Israel Zionism, Part II, London Airport, Schleswig Holestain, Petra Kely, General Gerd Bastain, Green Party, Edwardo Aniely, David Kely, Juerg Heider, International Fact Finding Committee,
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